Goodbye, Viral Vitriol! (#GoodbyeVi)

You know those posts that go around that make you want to scream, banshee-like? No, not the dumb-n-dumber home videos, the cats-on-catnip cartoons, or the “You’d better or ELSE!” chain letters. Those are all great runners-up, but I mean the worst of all: Vi-posts, as I will call them, standing […]

Economy and Earth…A Win-Win Proposition

Hi,  friends! Well,  some of you may remember hearing about my amazing trip to DC in which I had the awesome opportunity to take a meeting to my own Congressman. It was so exhilarating and empowering to get to do this! The plan for the rest of the year is […]

a decade after 9/11…..viewing evil as outlier

I sometimes ponder the sociological concept of “Mean World Syndrome” –particularly around the anniversary of 9/11 each year. I remember that,  as a child,  I watched lots of news programs and acquired a very definite “Mean World”  perspective.  One segment of the news,  I recall,  would reenact murders,  supposedly to […]